Errata for the book J. Liesen and Z. Strakos Krylov Subspace Methods: Principles and Analysis Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013 (Joerg Liesen and Zdenek Strakos, August 14, 2023) --------------------------------------- p. 8, Figure 1.3: "self-adjoint" in the box "Foundations ...". p. 37, l. 11: The norm should be squared, i.e., $\|V_n z\|_A^2$. (*) p. 67, l. 15: $v_2 = A v_1$. p. 86, ll. 12-13: Replace I_\omega^{(n)} by I_\omega^{n} (six times). p. 129, l. -1: It should be \theta_{M-1}^{(M-1)} in the last bracket. p. 142, l. -5: $\np(\omega) > n$ instead of $\np(\omega) \geq n$. p. 197, l. 17: It should be {\bf A} (i.e. bold A). p. 198, l. 18: "the operators $A^\times A$ and $A A^\times$ are equal". (*) p. 220, l. 22: "degree $n-j$" instead of "degree $j$". p. 249, l. -17: "with upper and lower triangular matrices" instead of "with an upper triangular matrix". p. 250, l. 2: In the brackets it should be "(for $z_1=b$ and $z_j=Az_{j-1}$, $j=2,\dots,n-1$, this gives ...)". p. 253, l. -8: Write $|\chi_n(0)|$ (i.e. absolute value). p. 263, Theorem 5.6.3: Formula for $\|x-x_n\|^2$: Put $\lambda_j^{2n-2}$ after $\omega_j$. Formula for $\|x-x_n\|_A^2$: Put $\lambda_j^{n-1}$ after $\omega_j$. (**) p. 266, equation (5.6.20): $\lambda_j$ instead of $\widehat{\lambda}_j$ on the LHS of the inequality. p. 281, l. 23: "computed by the MATLAB command {\tt randn}" instead of "ranging between 0 and 1". (*) p. 296, l. 10: $\lambda_\min(M)^2$ on the RHS of the inequality. p. 307, footnote 12: "... are free unit charges on $(-1,1)$ and two are positive charges at $-1$ and $+1$" instead of "... are zero and two are given". p. 308, l. 4: Replace "nonlinearity" by "irregularity". (*) p. 318, equation (5.8.16): Numerator on RHS should be $x_p^* A^* b$. (*) p. 364, reference [307]: Correct page numbers are 1335-1597. (*) p. 365, reference [324]: Three author names should be corrected as follows: M. Ple{\v{s}}inger, D. M. Sima, S. Van Huffel (*) p. 374, reference [489]: Delete "and" in the title. (*) p. 383, reference [670]: "1965" instead of "1963". (*) Corrected in the second printing of the book ("Impression: 2", December 2013) and in the paperback (March 2015). (**) Corrected in the paperback (March 2015).